Terms & Conditions

Thank you for expressing an interest in one or more of the services offered by Carters’ Moggie Minders. Please read these terms and conditions carefully, so that you understand how Carters’ Moggie Minder’s services work. They are designed so that your pets receive the best possible care. By an owner making a booking a service of Carters’ Moggie Minders, the owner agrees that they and their pet(s) are subject to and conditional upon these terms and conditions.

Carters’ Moggie Minders holds a current and valid insurance policy and Patrina Carter holds a current police check.


1.  Carters’ Moggie Minders reserve the right to amend, revise or alter these terms and conditions at their discretion.

2.  By making a booking for Carters’ Moggie Minders boarding or minding services, the owner acknowledges acceptance of these terms and conditions.


3.  The owner agrees to provide their full contact details, as well as alternative emergency contact name and number.

4.  The owner agrees to provide full and correct details of their pet(s) to Carters’ Moggie Minders.

5.  In the event where a pet or pets are left with Carters’ Moggie Minders beyond the stipulated and paid boarding period, Carters’ Moggie Minders reserve the right, after 14 days, to sell or rehome the cat or cats at their discretion. All monies owing shall be payable by the owner and legal proceedings will be instigated, if necessary.

6.  The person leaving the pet or pets for boarding with Carters’ Moggie Minders shall be deemed the agent of the owner. Carters’ Moggie Minders reserve the right to recover outstanding fees from the agent if the owner is not forthcoming.


7.  A non-refundable deposit of 20% is required to secure your booking.

8.  The remainder of the boarding or minding fees are payable on admission to the cattery, in the case of cat boarding, or on the first day of cat minding or prior to a service offered by Carters’ Moggie Minders being carried out.

9.  The owner agrees there is no refund in the event of early pick-up, in the case of boarding, or early return, in the case of pet minding.

10.  The owner acknowledges that boarding and minding rates are calculated on a calendar day basis, irrespective of time of drop-off or pick-up.

11.  There is a 20% surcharge for visits and boarding on public holidays.

12.  If Carters’ Moggie Minders is required to provide your pet(s) medication during the time they’re boarding or being minded, an additional $5 per night will be needed.

13.  If you wish to pay for services by way of electronic funds transfer (EFT), the bank details for Carters’ Moggie Minders will be provided to you to arrange such transfer. Payment by EFT must be done 48 hours prior to delivering the cat(s) to Carters’ Moggie Minders (this allows time for funds to clear Carters’ Moggie Minders bank account).

Cancellation Policy

14.  In the event of cancellation of cat boarding or cat minding services or dog walking services, where such services are paid in full, Carters’ Moggie Minders will happily refund 80% of the total visit cancelled.

Health and Care

15. With regard to cat boarding, please ensure your cat(s) are fully vaccinated. F3 vaccination certificates will need to be sighted and F3 vaccinations are to be completed at least 14 days before arrival at Carters’ Moggie Minders.

16.  The owner acknowledges that their cat(s) have been flea treated and dewormed no more than three (3) days before drop off at the cattery, unless flea treatment is done on a monthly basis. If fleas are found on their cat(s), they will be treated with a flea treatment of the owner’s preference. All costs for this treatment, as well as any further actions required to prevent spreading of fleas at Carters’ Moggie Minders, will be added to the owner’s account.

17.  The owner agrees to inform Carters’ Moggie Minders of any latent or current health problems or issues their pet(s) may have that require special care by Carters’ Moggie Minders or may require further veterinary attention. If there are any signs of illness prior to boarding, please keep your cats at home for two weeks prior to staying with Carters’ Moggie Minders. A proof of clearance from a veterianian will needed to be sighted prior to boarding.

18.  The owner authorises Carters’ Moggie Minders to seek veterinary care for their pet(s) in the event of an illness, injury or accident and to release information regarding their pet(s) to the veterinarian to assist in making a diagnosis and any possible treatment.

19.  Carters’ Cat Minders will endeavour to contact the owner first should any veterinary treatment be required, including contacting the emergency contact provided by the owner. In the event that the owner cannot be contacted, the veterinarian’s decision is final.

20.  If required, the owner authorises Carters’ Moggie Minders to transport their pet(s) for veterinary care to a reputable vetetinary clinic.


21.  The owner agrees to take full financial responsibility, and shall indemnify Carters’ Moggie Minders, its employees and representatives from any claims or actions, of any kind and nature whatsoever, arising from injury, sickness, accident, death, loss or damage of any kind whatsoever, of their pet(s) whilst in the care of Carters’ Moggie Minders, where the utmost care and diligence has been taken by Carters’ Moggie Minders.

22.  The owner indemnifies Carters’ Moggie Minders, its employees and representatives, and takes full financial responsibility where their pet(s) have caused injury to other pets or persons whilst in the care of Carters Moggie Minders.

23.  The owner accepts full financial responsibility and indemnifies Carters’ Moggie Minders against the cost for any veterinary care.


24.  Agreement to these terms and conditions by the owner will give Carters’ Moggie Minders a lien over the owner’s cat(s) in favour of Carters’ Moggie Minders, which lien shall continue to exist while any monies are owing pursuant to this agreement.

25.  The owner shall not be entitled to remove cat(s) from Carters’ Moggie Minders until all outstanding monies have been paid in full.


26.  Carters’ Moggie Minders is fully insured and are happy to provide documentation. Their goal is to make you and your pet(s) as comfortable as possible while providing you and your pet(s) services.

Consent to use Photographs

27.  The owner consents to Carters’ Moggie Minders to use photographs and/or videos and names of their pet(s) on Carters’ Moggie Minders’ website and all social media sites.